5 of cups upright
5 of cups upright

5 of cups upright

It can also indicate loneliness or isolation. It is also the Minor Arcana card of abandonment and can either represent you being abandoned by someone significant to you or you abandoning plans or people in your life. It is a card of emotional baggage and instability and can signify that you feel deep remorse, regret, anger, sorrow or disappointment. The Five of Cups also tends to appear if you have suffered a recent bereavement as it represents mourning and grief. As such, this card can signify heartbreak, divorce or separation. This may be the result of some sort of trauma or unwelcome change you have suffered. When this card appears it indicates that you are focusing on the negative. Situation: The fulfillment of personal dreams and goals which leads to a new phase of life starting.How many negative emotions can one card represent? Quite a few in the case of the Five of Cups! In a general context, the Five of Cups Tarot card can represent sadness, loss, loneliness and despair. Opportunity: Great happiness, lasting if soul alignment is in placeĪction Advice: Let your gratitude overflow to generate more of the same! 10 of Cups Situation: Happiness from the little things, a wish coming true (especially if in the ‘outcome’ position in any spread)Ĭhallenge: Avoid overindulgence and confusing temporary ‘highs’ with true joy which comes from being aligned with your divine calling Opportunity: Deep transformation, moving closer to your life goalsĪction Advice: Seek spiritual fulfillment and better alignment with your soul’s calling 9 of Cups Situation: Divine discontent, a need to move onĬhallenge: Moving forward without looking back. Spiritual help is on the wayĪction Advice: Pray for clarity and release from addiction(s). Opportunity: You’re on track for your goals, provided you gain clarity. Avoid moving forward until you have clarity. Situation: Indecision, confusion, and possible drug/sex addictionĬhallenge: To seek clarity, get clean/sober. Opportunity: Revisiting the past can bring a deeper understandingĪction Advice: Look at how past emotional ties are affecting a current situation or relationship. Situation: Reconnecting with someone from your past (or hoping to do so)Ĭhallenge: Avoid getting stuck in nostalgia Acceptance of the fact that healing from a loss can take time 6 of Cups Opportunity: Increased levels of compassion and empathy accompany healingĪction Advice: Engage actively in the process of grief to avoid getting stuck in it. Reorientating onself toward hope and the new beginnings that await on the other side Situation: Any sort of loss with a deep emotional impact: loss of relationship, death of a loved one, loss of a job etc (see surrounding cards for specifics)Ĭhallenge: Authenticity in the grieving process so that healing can take place. A new interestĪction Advice: Pray and focus on how you can be of service 5 of Cups Opportunity: Spirit is waiting to reconnect, just look up and you can begin to feel guided/inspired once more. A loss of inspiration, self-pityĬhallenge: To stir oneself out of a state of apathy by any means possible Situation: Boredom, apathy and (self-)isolation born from a mix of self-interest and lack of faith/active imagination. Nourish creativity, artistry and intuition 4 of Cups

5 of cups upright

Finding creative inspiration through/together with other peopleĪction Advice: Be hospitable.

5 of cups upright 5 of cups upright

Pregnancy (especially with the Empress/Ace of Wands)Ĭhallenge: Avoid over-indulgence and gossip Situation: A party, get-together, christening or wedding. Opportunity: Establishing a strong and mutually beneficial love relationship or friendshipĪction Advice: Focus on understanding, empathy and togetherness 3 of Cups Situation: Reciprocated romance (unreciprocated if ill dignified), a friendshipĬhallenge: Resolving disagreements, misunderstanding and discord in relationships Opportunity: A deeper emotional connection to all of life, both horizontally and verticallyĪction Advice: Soften your heart and allow it to open up to the power of love 2 of Cups Situation: The start of a new relationship, falling in love or the heart opening to the Holy Spirit Thanks for all the positive feedback for the post about the number cards in the Wands suit! Today we move on to looking at the meanings for 1-10 of Cups regarding situation, challenge, opportunity and action advice.

5 of cups upright